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Summer of privilege

Mid-July and this summer is already exceed my expectations. We've been #blessed to visit our family cabin in northern Wisconsin three times in two months. Normal routine is once a year so we're lucky ducks! We took full advantage of all three trips. The first, without kids and was focused on getting the place summer-ready along with other family members. These people

make me laugh until I either pee or puke, so I count any time spent with them as the best time spent. The next two trips were spent with various family and friends, all near an dear to us, and the best weather we could ask for. I literally have the tan of an 18 year old.

In between trips to the cabin, we've taken another weekend away at an amazing little resort that's being reinvented from the ground up, said goodbye to the last days of kindergarten, helped my mom get her house ready to be painted (upcoming post!), celebrated both boy's birthday's and my husband's next step to citizenship, welcomed and played tour guide to my aunt from Nashville, and are currently hosting Chinese exchange students! Oh, and let's not forget airbnb'ing our home every time we left town.

My mom wonders why I do this to myself. But I can't stop, won't stop. We're nuts, we're exhausted, but we're creating memories, exposing our kids to the world, and always have something to look forward to next. Privileged indeed.

that lawn though!
He caught like 22 fish this summer


my man

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